Tagged: Robert Moses

This Week

A weekly round-up of my favorite preservation related stories from around the web and in the newsClick on the title of each story to jump through to the original article/blog post.

Stunning Photos of 1940s Pittsburgh: Life Before Effective Air Pollution Laws – Take Part

Robert Moses Was Born 125 Years Ago Today: 10 Ways to Celebrate/Mourn His Controversial Legacy – The Bowery Boys

Robert Moses

Robert Moses. Image via The Bowery Boys

One hundred and twenty-five years ago today, Robert Moses was unleashed upon the world, born in New Haven, Connecticut, on Dwight Street.  He remains today one of the most powerful civic figures in American history, and obviously one of the most controversial.  Because of Moses, we have the modern New York City.  Many of its strengths and its difficulties can be traced, in some way, to decisions he made, from roads and housing to parks and waterways.  Can you really “celebrate” Robert Moses?  Of course you can.  Here’s ten particular ways you can ruminate upon the changes he inflicted upon the city, from the mighty highways to the large, concrete-heavy parks.


Spite Houses Ranked by Spite-ness – Hairpin

Spite House

The Montlake Spite House in Seattle. Image via Hairpin

A spite house is a house built for the express purpose of pissing someone else off. Personal comfort, adequate living space, and compliance with local zoning laws all come second to this all-important goal. Spite houses come in all shapes and sizes, but the best are absurdly small and very angry indeed. Here are a few of my favorites, ranked from least- to most-spiteful.

Celebrating 100 Years of Christmas Lights – Outside the Lines

Can you imagine celebrating the holiday season without Christmas lights? In North America, it is expected that festive strings will illuminate trees, homes, and city centers throughout the month of December. But the Christmas lights we have today have been a long time coming. Its evolution began in 18th century Germany and continues to progress each year.

Instagram Tour: A Wintery Mix of Pic of Historical Places From Around the Country – Preservation Nation


“Fisher fine arts library #philly #upenn #snow #furness” — @knitterjenn, Philadelphia, Pa. Image via Preservation Nation

The best snowy shots from historic places from the @savingplaces Instagram feed.